In the November 2014 document, Promoting Fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in schools, the advice to schools states :
Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs1. This can help schools to demonstrate how they are meeting the requirements of section 78 of the Education Act 2002, in their provision of SMSC.
The fundamental British Values are:
the rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
Educate Against Hate website -
Hillside High School educates its pupils on British Values in the following ways:
Hillside High School is a place where everyone is treated equally and everyone has rights. The value of democracy is promoted in the following ways:
In lessons, pupils are given opportunities to develop their self confidence and self-awareness through collaborating and making decisions
During SMSC lessons, Year 7 and 8 pupils learn about Political Systems. Pupils learn about different political systems with a focus on democracy.
Year 10 pupils learn about Political Systems focusing on the power of the government and democracy. Students also study different electoral systems and alternative forms of government in other countries to enable them to compare them to the UK system.
Regular Pupil Voice activities are undertaken throughout the year to canvas opinion on the school, its curriculum, behaviour and uniform. Departments also carry out their own pupil voice surveys.
Pupils collaborated as part of a whole school competition to come up with the key values behind Hillside Way.
Pupils collaborated in form groups to devise the images and words for the school’s British Values Display (see image below).
The Rule of Law
Through the Behaviour Policy we enable pupils to distinguish between right and wrong and respect laws. Pupils have visits from guest speakers to raise awareness of laws for example, knife crime.
Year 8 pupils complete an SMSC lesson based on the law with a focus on criminal and civil law. Pupils also learn about the courts and tribunals process.
In year 9 pupils complete SMSC lessons learning about restorative justice, alternative punishments and the role of the police and the courts in upholding the rule of law.
Year 10 pupils study legislation and the judiciary system which promote the rule of law in SMSC lessons.
Individual Liberty
Hillside High School is a safe environment where choices and freedoms are encouraged; this is promoted through the school ethos.
The option process which students undertake in year 8 promotes individual liberty.
Across the curriculum, pupils are encouraged to voice their opinions in class discussions.
Pupils are rewarded using the behaviour code system which encourages them to make the right choices in their behaviour.
In years 7 – 11, all pupils receive one assembly per week with a dedicated focus linked to the thought of the week.
Mutual respect
The Hillside Way promotes positive values such as respect.
Weekly assemblies are themed and are often linked to “national weeks” e.g. Holocaust Memorial Week, St Georges Day, Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day. Each assembly theme is linked to one or more British Values.
The school has strong links with local organisations to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues.
All pupils in years 7 and 8 study Religious Education lessons once a week. . These lessons promote tolerance of those of different or no faith and those who have differing beliefs.
Pupils in Year 9 learn about stereotyping and discrimination in SMSC lessons.
Pupils in Year 10 study Human Rights Act, the UN and Commonwealth
In alliance with Merseyside’s Police’s Anti-Terrorism Unit, the SMSC programme includes lessons on identifying extremism, understanding the difficulties in tackling the issue for all year groups.