At Hillside High School learning is our top priority, and we are committed to providing students with the best possible education. We can understand learning through the Willingham model of learning, which provides a framework for understanding how we acquire new information and skills.
What is learning?
Or in simpler terms: ‘what you know and remember’
The Willingham model proposes that learning is the result of the interaction between working memory and long-term memory. Working memory is responsible for temporarily holding information and using it to perform tasks and make decisions, while long-term memory is where we store information for future use. According to the model, to effectively learn something new, information must be transferred from working memory into long-term memory.
Sounds easy?
Well as we well know, learning is hard. In order to get the information into our working memory we need to be in the right environment. An environment that allows us to focus our attention solely on learning. Any distraction from the content we are learning can mean that the process of learning never actually begins. Our working memory can easily become overloaded, so it is important to maintain focus on the learning and not try and cram too much information in at once. Thinking is also important here; you need to actively engage your brain and think hard about what it is you are learning about.
So now that information is in your long-term memory, job done right?
Well actually not. Unless you build in regular retrieval practice then this information can easily be forgotten. Have a look at the Forgotten Curve to see how quickly this can happen.
Regular retrieval and revision can prevent this. Here you can see how regular retrieval activities such as a paper-based revision activity, or a video on your phone or talking about your learning with others can prevent information being forgotten.
Hillside High
Breeze Hill
L20 9NU
Tel: 0151 525 2630
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